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Practical information and support

There are numerous practical issues that you must be aware of as a doctoral student. On this page, we have collected information that is important for you as a doctoral student to know.


Expenses are funds that you as a doctoral student can use for necessary expenses in your studies, such as travel, conference participation, summer schools/courses, literature and software.

What expense funding is available?

Doctoral students admitted in 2018 and after receive SEK 10,000 per year of study, or a maximum of SEK 40,000 for the entire period of study (equivalent to a maximum of four years’ full-time work). There may be specific terms and conditions for project-specific doctoral students based on the project’s budget, and the same applies to externally employed doctoral students depending on the agreement between their employer and the university.

Doctoral student who were admitted prior to 2018 have a specific decision based on previous funding guidelines. Contact your finance officer in the university administration for individual information about expense funding if you were admitted prior to 2018.

The total amount can be used based on your needs throughout your period of employment. Remember that it must also cover any extension to your period of employment.

Who approves the use of expense funding?

Your principal supervisor and head of department must approve the use of your expense funding before you buy or order anything. Ask your head of department about the routines at your academic school.

Travel order

Please note that before any work-related travel outside Sweden, a travel order must be created in the Primula payroll and travel system. You should also register your next of kin/contact person in Primula. The Riktlinjer för tjänsteresor Södertörns högskola (guidelines for work-related travel), on the page Tjänsteresor och utlandstjänstgöring, has more information about what you must think about when travelling.

How do I keep track of my expenses?

Make your own “shadow budget” for your expenses and keep track of approximately how much you use. If you need to know exactly how much funding is left for your doctoral activities, you can contact your finance officer in the university administration – see the email address below. NB: clear study planning that motivates the use of your funding must be included in your individual study plan.

What do I do if my expense funding runs out?

If your expense funding does not cover everything you need to do while studying, e.g. a long period of field work, you must always consult your principal supervisor before applying for extra funding. You should initially apply for funding from the department’s or research area for doctoral studies’ fund for conferences and travel. There is more information about how to apply on the page Interna medel or on your academic school's organisational teams page. You can also contact your director of studies. Secondly, you and your supervisor can find out whether it is possible to apply for extra funding from your subject’s research funding.

As an employee at the university you are entitled to apply for a daily allowance for increased living costs during works-related travel, but in practice this means that your expenses funding will be inadequate if you undertake a long trip or fieldwork. Therefore, if you want to apply for a daily allowance, you should always discuss your travel plans with your head of department.

For extra funding to be granted in addition to ordinary expenses, your individual study plan must state the reason why you need extra funding.


If you have questions about how much of your expense funding remains, please contact your financial officer in central administration at the following address:

If you have other questions about funding for expenses, please ask your principal supervisor and your head of department.

Reference code and activity number

To be able to order goods and services using invoicing, you must state a personal reference code that consists of your subject’s organisation number and your own code for logging into your computer (user ID). Contact your HR officer to get your personal reference code, which will follow this template: Org4xxxxshxxxxxx.

Always provide your reference code when you order something!

Doctoral students also have personal activity numbers that ensure that all income and costs are registered to the right person in Agresso. The activity number is used in both Agresso and Primula.

Always state your personal activity number when you approve invoices in Agresso that relate to your expenses or other costs associated with your doctoral studies.

Purchasing goods and procuring services

Public agencies must follow specific procurement regulations. More information at: Inköp- och upphandling. Procurement rules apply to purchasing the following: computers, software, ergonomic aids/furniture, office materials (that are not provided in the cupboards in the copying room), books, travel, flowers and refreshments/catering.

Purchases of computers, mobile phones and office materials are done by administrative staff, but you order software yourself in the Programvarubeställning tool. Ask your head of department whether the software should be paid for via your expenses or whether the department has chosen to purchase licenses using other funding. Other goods and services are ordered via Agresso.

If something is not possible to order via Agresso and the invoice cannot be sent to the university, you must then pay yourself and register this in Primula to get your money back.

Ordering books

The university library often purchases the literature that researchers and doctoral students need, but before making any purchases, you should first check whether the library External link, opens in new window. already owns the requested literature.

If the library doesn’t own or doesn’t want to purchase the literature, researchers and doctoral students may use project or expenses funding for purchasing. You can check with you finance officer if expenses funding is available and your supervisor then decides whether you can purchase the literature.

Books are ordered via Agresso. Note that Swedish and legal literature is ordered via one bookshop and foreign literature (excluding legal) is ordered via another. Contact if you have questions about purchasing via Agresso.

The university recommends using the Google Chrome web browser with Agresso. Pop-up windows can sometimes be problematic – look at the instructional film for literature orders: Hur beställer jag litteratur i Agresso/Unit4 External link, opens in new window. or contact Infocenter,, if you do not manage to solve the problem yourself.


The university has an agreement with a specific travel agency, so travel must be ordered via them otherwise we are in breach of contract and liable for damages. The travel agency uses the state purchasing agreement for hotels, rental cars, taxis, etc. More information is available on the page Tjänsteresor och utlandstjänstgöring.

Travel order

Please note that before any work-related travel outside Sweden, a travel order must be created in the Primula payroll and travel system.You should also register your next of kin/contact person in Primula before you travel. The Riktlinjer för tjänsteresor Södertörns högskola (guidelines for work-related travel), on the page Tjänsteresor och utlandstjänstgöring, has more information about conditions for travel. Ask your head of department if you have questions about the travel order.

You must always tell your line manager (head of department) and your HR officer when you travel abroad for work, as they will be able to provide assistance more quickly if something should happen on your trip.

If you are travelling within the EU/EEA, you should order an insurance card from Försäkringskassan and, if you are travelling outside the EU/EEA, you can get a card from Kammarkollegiet for your work-related travel insurance from your HR officer.

The university’s external website and employee web

Learning how to disseminate your research results is an important part of your time as a doctoral student. You should also make sure that your profile is available to people at the university and to external parties. You can do this by filling in your “staff card” on the website.

Most research activities at the university are advertised in the calendar on the external website: External link, opens in new window. or on the subjects’ pages. You can find these via the links for Research/Our research. Research also has information about the university’s doctoral education and research areas for doctoral studies.

Information for university staff is published on the employee web. In addition, each academic school, professional education, department, the library and CBEES have their own organisational teams.

Questions about the external website can be answered by Communication & PR and questions about the employee web can be answered by your school’s web coordinator or communications officer.

Staff card and research profile

Every employee should fill in their staff card, i.e. information about your job. This information will be visible on the university’s external website, If you do not create a staff card or admit to publish one, there will be no information about you available on the website.

You create your staff card via the employee web - click on the Min profil icon (look to the right on the top of the page) and select Uppdatera profil. Remember to write a few lines about the focus of your research in Swedish and in English, a link to your academic school, your subject and any centre or research project. Also, do not forget to check the box for admitting publication.

You should check whether you need to update the text on your staff card at least once per year!

If you want an expanded profile with more detailed information about your research, you can apply for a Research profile.

Read more about staff card and research profile.

Support from Communication & Public Relations

If you have the opportunity and want to work with conference administration as part of departmental duties, there is useful information under the tab Stöd och service and especially on the page Eventstöd.

It is important to publish every conference/workshop in the university calendar on the website External link, opens in new window.. You can fill in the calendar listing using the Calendar form at: Skapa och redigera kalenderpost på You can contact the school’s web coordinator/communications officer for help with publicity if you do not know what to do.

The page Kommunikationsstöd also have a lot of other useful information, e.g. Södertörn in the media and information about the university’s social media. Add your areas of expertise to “Mina expertområden”, and tell Communication & PR when something interesting happens in your research!


These are links to the press service and addresses for other units in Communication & PR:

Press service: Press service - Södertörns högskola External link, opens in new window.
News and information:
Events and project support:
Communication support, enquiries and orders:
You can also contact Communication & PR via

Tips for a research communication toolbox

Vetenskap & Allmänhet External link, opens in new window. (public & science) and the Swedish Research Council External link, opens in new window. have designed a toolbox External link, opens in new window. for people who are interested in research communication.

The university library offers a range of support to doctoral students, from how to use the library's resources to questions about academic publishing. They also help you publish and disseminate your doctoral thesis.

The library provides introductions about library services to new or visiting doctoral students, as well as demonstrating how to search resources. You can book tutorials in systematic searches and reference management. The library contributes to higher seminars and workshops about themes within scholarly communication, such as open access publishing, bibliometrics (impact, citations), and research data management. When the time comes, they will help with publishing your doctoral thesis in the series Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations, with the notification of the date of public defence (spikning), and arranging a ceremony at which you give a popular presentation of your thesis.

If you are looking for a book that is not part of the library collection, you can order an interlibrary loan from another library or suggest that the library purchases it.

General questions:
Book tutorials:
Publishing, Open Access:

External cooperation

Information about the university’s cooperation with the surrounding community External link, opens in new window. is available at You can also find information on the page Samverkan och nyttiggörande on the employee web.

Externally employed doctoral students

An externally employed doctoral student is a doctoral student who is employed by a company or public body at which they conduct most of their research. Externally employed doctoral students are not admitted in competition. Under Chapter 7, Section 37 of the Higher Education Ordinance, a higher education institution does not need to advertise a doctoral position if the doctoral student will complete the programme within the framework of employment at an employer other than the university. The document below describes (in Swedish) the procedure when employing an externally employed doctoral student. A template for the statement of the assessment group when admitting an externally employed doctoral student is available below (in Swedish).

International exchanges

Doctoral students can apply for foreign exchanges as part of the Erasmus+ programme, among others. One option is a 1-2-week exchange, e.g. a visit to a societal organisation that is relevant to your thesis, or courses in academic writing and presentation techniques for doctoral students via the Atlantic organisation in the Republic of Ireland: External link, opens in new window.. Exchanges can be funded by applying for an Erasmus+ staff exchange.

Doctoral students can also study at least three months abroad on the Erasmus programme via an agreement between Södertörn University and the other higher education institution. One criterion is that the doctoral student must be able to transfer the credits from the exchange period as part of their doctoral studies, so the supervisor must provide their approval. The funding provided covers all or parts of the travel and accommodation costs. Erasmus+ does not provide compensation for salaries, so the head of department and principal supervisor must approve the exchange being conducted during paid working hours. Read more on the staff mobility page: Internationalisering.

More information

Contact if you have questions about staff exchanges.
Contact if you have questions about student exchanges.

Ask within whether there are other international exchanges available, not just Erasmus+, within your subject and research area.

Doctoral students should be aware that their thesis and supporting documentation must be archived.

Public agencies’ archive management is primarily regulated through the Archives Act, Archives Ordinance and the National Archives’ regulations and general advice (RA-FS and RA-MS). Legislation rests on the provisions of the Freedom of the Press Act on the public’s right of access to official documents.

Each doctoral student receives an individual registration number (reg. no.) that must be used for their individual study plan throughout their entire period of study, as well as an individual registration number for cases relating to their public defence of thesis. University administration does this archiving, as well as the course archiving, including any transferred credits.

Your thesis is archived via the library. On completing your doctorate, you should contact an archivist to discuss how the supporting documentation for your thesis should be archived. Email and ask what you should do.

Read more on the page Informationshantering.

What are departmental duties?

Doctoral students commonly undertake some form of departmental duties during their period of study, such as teaching and/or administration. Departmental duties are not compulsory and may comprise no more than 20% of your total period of employment, though the percentage may vary from semester to semester. They are the basis for an extension to your doctoral studentship of the equivalent time. You must always be told, in advance, how many clock hours are allocated to the departmental duties you are offered by the relevant head of department before starting work.

Remember that 20% of your total working time is a lot of hours – so do not take on more departmental duties than you can cope with. Your studies, including your thesis, must always come first. There is an example of how to plan time at: Individual study plan. This shows how various percentages can be converted to weeks of work. It is important that you inform your supervisor or head of department if you feel that departmental duties are having a detrimental effect on your thesis work.

If you defend your thesis and completely finish your studies before the end of your final year of employment, your employment will not be extended due to departmental duties or other exceptional reasons for extension. You must therefore consult the HR generalist at your academic school before accepting departmental duties in you final year of employment.

How are departmental duties decided?

Departmental duties must be agreed between your supervisor and your head of department before they start. The principal supervisor decides what the appropriate departmental duties are and their scope. You also need to check the number of clock hours you receive for them with your subject coordinator or head of department. State the scope of departmental duties as clock hours in your individual study plan.

Reporting departmental duties

You do not need to report the departmental duties you undertake, but you and your principal supervisor must always have an advance agreement on departmental duties with your head of department, so they know how many hours of departmental duties you will have and will need staffing in the coming semester.

Contact your head of department or HR generalist if you have questions about your departmental duties.

Activity accounting

At the end of every autumn and spring semester, the university must report your degree of activity as a doctoral student to Statistics Sweden (SCB), as requested by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ).

The degree of activity only includes the part of your period of study that is spent on doctoral studies. A calculation is made each six months: 1 January-30 June and 1 July-31 December. To obtain your degree of activity, your departmental duties and any absences – such as parental leave or illness – are subtracted.

You do not need to calculate your degree of activity yourself. However, it is important that you enter your absences in Primula so that the HR generalist at your academic school will be able to make the calculations correctly.


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2024-10-18 by Izabella Appelgren