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Documents for doctoral programmes
Documents, templates and forms for education at postgraduate level are collected here.
- Admission Regulations for Third-Cycle Education
- Regulations on the grading system for examinations that are part of third-cycle education at Södertörn University
- Regulations on the public defence and grading of doctoral theses at Södertörn University
- Guidelines for general syllabuses for third-cycle programmes
- Guidelines for supervision in third-cycle education
- Guidelines for the format, publication, announcement and distribution of doctoral and licentiate theses
- Guidelines for assessment panels on admissions to third-cycle education
- Guidelines for examinations in third-cycle education
- Guidelines for the withdrawal of supervision and other resources for education at doctoral (third-cycle) level
- Guidelines for extensions to doctoral studentships due to position of trust
- Guidelines for student influence
- Policy on student influence
- Guidelines for doctoral studentship
- Rules on grounds for assessment during selection for third-cycle education at Södertörn University
- Guidelines for individual study plans for doctoral (third-cycle) studies
- Guidelines for syllabuses for doctoral (third-cycle) education
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