My Job
New at work
Welcome! This page provides help and information for new employees.
Work environment and equality
The employer must conduct systematic work on planning, leading and following up its activities in a manner that fulfils the requirements for a good work environment.
Working hours
Working hours are regulated by different agreements. Technical and administrative staff have one agreement, while doctoral students, researchers, etc. have another one.
Preventive healthcare
If you are employed at least 50% of full time, you are entitled to one hour of preventive healthcare per week when your duties permit this. All employees are offered a preventive healthcare reimbursement of up to SEK 1,500 per year.
Benefits and housing
As an employee of Södertörn University you can access a number of benefits, such as computer glasses, reimbursement for preventive healthcare, reimbursement for medication, etc.
State employment means that you are covered by specific insurance policies
Pay and compensation
You are paid on the 25th of each month, if this is falls on Mon-Fri. Your payslip is in Primula (the staffing and payroll system). Primula has the same login as your computer.
Planning and performance appraisal meetings
You and your manager must have regular meetings to discuss conditions at the workplace. These meetings must be a space for dialogue and working together with the development, planning and follow-up of your work.
Annual leave and parental leave
There are some leaves to which you as an employee may be entitled.
Illness and occupational injury – occupational health services
If you are sick, you must inform your line manager and register it in Primula on the first sick day. If it is a long illness, you must provide a medical certificate from day 8 onwards.
Work-related travel and service abroad
Södertörn University has a policy and guidelines for work-related travel. These regulate what applies to bookings, remuneration, etc.
Entering retirement
The retirement age is 65, but you are entitled to work until you turn 69. You should plan your retirement in good time and have a dialogue with your manager.
Changing or ending your employment
The university offers opportunities to try out various positions, such as head of department. When we have advertisements for vacant positions, they are listed here (in Swedish). You can also apply for a job at the university , which is open to everyone.
Union associations
Three union associations are represented at the university: Saco-S, ST and SEKO.