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My Job

  • New at work

    Welcome! This page provides help and information for new employees.

  • Work environment and equality

    The employer must conduct systematic work on planning, leading and following up its activities in a manner that fulfils the requirements for a good work environment.

  • Working hours

    Working hours are regulated by different agreements. Technical and administrative staff have one agreement, while doctoral students, researchers, etc. have another one.

  • Preventive healthcare

    If you are employed at least 50% of full time, you are entitled to one hour of preventive healthcare per week when your duties permit this. All employees are offered a preventive healthcare reimbursement of up to SEK 1,500 per year.

  • Benefits and housing

    As an employee of Södertörn University you can access a number of benefits, such as computer glasses, reimbursement for preventive healthcare, reimbursement for medication, etc.