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Communication in English

Communication in English at Södertörn University is primarily governed by the Communication Policy, Language Policy, and our brand concept and identity.

The most important elements of these documents can be summarised as:

  • Clarity, conciseness, correctness
  • British English
  • Write for your target audience
  • The “tone of voice” should be welcoming, warm and interested.

Communication & PR offers translation and proofreading services, which you can order by emailing The intention is that these are primarily available to administrative units at the university, and to teaching staff when necessary for administrative purposes.

Doctoral students and researchers who wish to contact suppliers for proofreading or translation are advised to use the state’s framework agreement for translation and language services. More information is available on Kammarkollegiet’s website, External link, opens in new window..

Brand concept and identity

Södertörn University's brand concept and identity was launched in 2015, and it includes an overall concept and a style guide.

The university’s primary message is that “vi ser verkligheten med andra ögon”, literally: we see reality through different eyes. Underlying this is the idea that Södertörn University examines issues from many angles. We have a willingness to look at the issues from all sides, to find openings for interesting conversations and innovative research. We have a closeness to new perspectives and widened horizons, and are questioning and curious. We look for unexpected combinations, challenges and development, and education that prepares people for life after their studies.

“The brand concept and identity defines the idea that carries our new communication, and its purpose is to boost Södertörn University’s attraction power. Potential students are the primary target group, but the concept should also be used in research communication and contribute to the recruitment of new staff,” says Minna Räsänen, Head of the School of Natural Science, Technology and Environmental Studies, who was chair of the steering committee for developing the concept.

Södertörn University's assets include its modernity, the closeness between students and teachers, how teaching is linked to both theory and current societal issues, and how the university represents diversity and interdisciplinarity. We are associated with qualities such as being young, bold, confident, committed and norm conscious.

Important concepts for work on the communication project were engagement with life outside academia, crossing borders, innovation and the joy of discovery.

The message provides a clear direction, while also opening up for individual ideas. It is important that our communication encourages ideas and curiosity, as curiosity provides openings for talking about the university.

A playful new style

A style guide helps the outside reflect what’s on the inside. The yellow that has long been associated with Södertörn University is retained as a circular symbol.

The symbol arose from playing with the letter Ö. The intention is that the name, the symbol and the message are dynamic and offer creative opportunities.

There are two versions of the university’s logo: a Swedish one and an English one. They both mention Stockholm and the website address External link, opens in new window..

The Communication and PR unit are happy to provide more information and training about the brand concept and identity.

Information page for the brand concept and identity (in Swedish).

Questions about our brand concept and identity? Please contact

Your staff card

You staff card contains brief information about you as an employee at Södertörn University. When visitors search for your name on our webpage, the staff card is the information that shows up. However, it will only be visible if you have approved it to be published, which is why it is important to remember to edit your staff card.

How to edit your staff card:

  • Log in to the employee web.
  • You will find the symbol for “My page" ["Min sida"] at the top-right of the start page.
  • Clicking on the symbol, you will find the options "My page" or "Update profile".
  • Choose "Update profile".
  • You can now edit the information and/or upload a profile picture.
  • In order for the information to be visible at and the employee web, please check the box "Jag vill att mitt kontaktkort ska visas externt" ("I want my contact card to be displayed externally").
  • Click on "Spara" ("Save").

Your research profile

As a researcher, you can get an extended staff card – a research profile, where you have the opportunity to describe your research. There is also a link to your publications in Södertörn University's DIVA. If you are a project manager for a research project in the university's project database, these projects will also be displayed on your research profile page.

Do I already have a research profile?

To find out if you have a research profile, you can search for your name on If you already have a research profile, the My Research button should appear on the staff card.

Order a research profile

  1. In the upper menu on the right – click on the round image icon and select My page (you must be logged in).
  2. Press the yellow "Beställ forskarprofil" button in the upper right corner.
  3. Wait for instructions via email.

Add or edit content in your research profile

Bilden visar pennan som startar redigeringsläge av forskarprofil
  • At the bottom right, the pen is now displayed – clicking on the pen opens the editing mode for the profile page.

You can now start editing your research profile page. In the content field, create content on the page. See image for the tools available for formatting the content.

  • When you are done, click Publish. Click Done to exit edit mode.

Business cards and correspondence cards

If you are employed by Södertörn University, you can order business cards or personalised correspondence cards. This also applies if you are working on a temporary contract that is longer than six months or if you are a doctoral student.

Prior to ordering you need a purchase order that has been approved by your manager. The purchase order should be registered in Agresso.

When the purchase order has been approved by your manager, you will receive an email confirming the order.

After delivery, you will also receive an email and you must confirm that you have received the goods. It is important that you confirm delivery so that the invoice is paid in time.

Documents and resources

Translations and language policy

Södertörn University has a compilation of Swedish to English translations that includes terms specific to Södertörn and ones for the Swedish higher education sector in general.

Communication plan

Images and film

The Swedish Council for Higher Education provides terminology for the higher education External link, opens in new window. sector in its Swedish-English dictionary. The terminology we use at Södertörn University is largely based upon this dictionary.

Rikstermbanken External link, opens in new window. is a national terminology database. Please note that the same Swedish word may have different definitions and translations depending on the context.

Utrikes namnbok External link, opens in new window. is published by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and provides translations to English (and five other languages) for Swedish authorities, organisations, titles and EU bodies.

The Plain English Campaign External link, opens in new window. provides tools and guides for writing clear, easily understandable English as well as glossaries and grammar guides.


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2024-11-11 by Karolina Olofsson