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  • Södertörn University’s Research Strategy 2025-2027

    Communication and Public Relations

    Södertörn University's new research strategy was adopted on 24 September. The overall aim of the strategy is to clarify how Södertörn University will work to further strengthen and raise the profile of our research and doctoral education, and our researchers.

  • Ladok can compile student results and notes in one place

    Communication and Public Relations

    Learning management systems (LMSs) come and go, but Ladok remains. When information is kept in different places, such as in LMSs, Excel files, or handwritten paper on a desk, it is difficult to get an overview. The aim of the new function, Results to Ladok is that the university will be able to compile documentation about the students’ grades and results in the same place.

  • Nominate honorary doctor 2025 at Södertörn University

    Communication and Public Relations

    Prior to next academic celebrations (February 7, 2025), the Faculty Board wants to initiate the process to select an honorary doctor. At each academic celebration, one or more honorary doctors has been named by the Faculty Board after a nomination process among university staff and students through the student union of SöderS.

  • Extra help for ERC grant applications

    Communication and Public Relations

    This year, Södertörn University is setting up a unique initiative to increase the number and quality of grant applications to the European Research Council (ERC). Up to three researchers with promising project outlines will be granted four weeks of application writing time and an evaluation of their proposal by an external expert. Södertörn's Grants Office is organising an online seminar on 20 February 2024 to provide more information about this initiative.

  • What does the university’s change of telephony entail for me?

    Communication and Public Relations

    The university will switch its telephony provider from Telia to Telenor on Thursday 29 June 2023. This means that desk telephones will be removed and be replaced by a computer client – a telephone in your computer. The computer client is called Telenor One X and will be installed on all staff computers.

  • Nominate honorary doctor 2024 at Södertörn University

    Communication and Public Relations

    Prior to next academic celebrations (February 9, 2024), the Faculty Board wants to initiate the process to select an honorary doctor. At each academic celebration since 2013, one or more honorary doctors is named by the Faculty Board after a nomination process among scholars at Södertörn University. University staff and students through the student union of SöderS may nominate honorary doctors.

  • Government task: reduce energy consumption

    Communication and Public Relations

    What is the university doing to reduce energy consumption and reduce energy costs? And what can you do? We describe the measures being taken below.