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Boards and committees

Södertörn University has a number of boards and committees.

The Advisory Board for Internationalisation

The Advisory Board for Internationalisation is a collegial body tasked with acting as a steering committee for international issues and providing advice to university management.


Cecilia Sjöholm, Professor of Aesthetics, Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor on internationalisation


Saeid Abbasian, Associate Professor
Isabella Blomstrand, student representative
Per Bolin, Director CBEES
Miriana Cascone, representative for doctoral students
Öjvind Diderichsen, Lecturer
Xiang Lin, Associate Professor
Lars Lundgren, Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies
Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, Professor in Ethnology
Tommy Larsson Segerlind, Associate Professor in Business Administration
Jani Turunen, Senior lecturer

A working group for gender mainstreaming

In 2016 the vice-chancellor decided to appoint a working group to
make a plan for gender mainstreaming.

Doctoral Student Council

The Doctoral Student Council (Doktorandrådet) is an association of doctoral students under the auspices of the university's student union, SöderS. It works to represent the interests of Södertörn University's doctoral students, both across institutions and through a range of university leadership bodies and advisory committees.

The Doctoral Student Council also provides a forum to discuss common concerns and explore opportunities to promote a positive working and academic environment.

The doctoral council at Södertörn University brings together 16 representatives from across the university’s five institutions, five research areas, and a range of boards and committees, to address matters that impact the learning and working environment for PhD students. This includes raising concerns with university leadership and administrators, identifying development opportunities, sharing information to ensure it reaches all PhDs, and actively contributing to the best experience possible for doctoral studies at Södertörn University.

To share information about general PhD-related matters that you feel should be taken up by the council, please email us at You can also use this email address to share seminars, workshops or other opportunities that may be of interest to a broad range of PhD students. Send a brief description and any necessary details and we can include these in regular newsletters or email communications.

If your question or concern is specific to your institution or research area, please refer to your local representative.

The Council for Research Ethics

The Council for Research Ethics tasks are to create knowledge about research ethics issues within the university and to assess and investigate suspicions of deviations from good research practice.

The Council for Research Ethics is an advisory body to the vice-chancellor and has two primary tasks:

  • The Council must work to increase knowledge at the university, regarding issues relating to research ethics, such as through training in ethical review and the management of research data.
  • The Council must evaluate and investigate suspicions of scientific misconduct and other deviations from good research practice, as well as advising the vice-chancellor in decision-making, based on the management procedure for this area established by the university (see the management procedure).

Chair and convenor:

Kerstin Cassel

One representative of the Faculty Board:

Stina Bengtsson

Two representatives for teaching staff:

Jenny Gunnarsson Payne
Fredrik Svenaeus

One representative for doctoral students:

Ella Petrini External link.

The Publications Committee

The Publications Committee is committed to the publishing of high-quality research that has been carried out by the university's researchers and teachers.


Mikael Lönnborg, Professor, Social Sciences


Norbert Götz, Professor, Historical and Contemporary Studies
Pernilla Josefsson, Senior Lecturer, Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
Lotta Janson, Library director
Irina Sandomirskaja, Professor, Culture and Education
Erik Wallrup, Associate Professor, Culture and Education
Saralie Sernhede, Doctoral student representative


Jonathan Robson External link.
If you have questions please contact

The Publications Committee's mandate is to:

  • decide which publications are eligible for publication in the university’s four main publications series and for financing
  • ensure that the work published in the university's name is of a high scholarly standard
  • provide information about scholarly publishing and follow developments within the field, nationally and internationally
  • act as a resource and guide for the university’s executive management on questions regarding scholarly publishing
  • write a report annually to the Vice-Chancellor about the Publications Committee’s activities for the year (including a financial account)

  • 22 January
  • 20 February
  • 26 March
  • 23 April
  • 21 May
  • 11 June

The Södertörn Academic Studies series is mainly comprised of monographs and anthologies that present definitive research results from projects carried out at Södertörn University. The series are open to all fields of research and disciplines, but as a large majority of research at Södertörn University focuses on the Baltic Sea Region this series addresses the social, political, economic and cultural developments in countries bordering the Baltic Sea.

In addition to these, there are a number of series related to specific areas or centres, which have been granted permission by the Publication Committee to start a series. For more information about all publication series, see Publications from Södertörn University External link, opens in new window..

Recruitment Committees

The university has two recruitment committees. These are bodies that prepare the appointment and promotion of lecturers, senior lecturers, associate professors, professors, and others. The members of the recruitment committees are appointed by the Faculty Board.

Cases are processed in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Ordinance and the university’s Appointments Procedure.


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2025-01-31 by Christina Ingves